Greetings from Australia
De Heynekrant goes international. Na regelmatige berichten uit Noorwegen, Amerika en Nieuw Zeeland, duikt nu Kees Varekamp uit Australië op.'Hi, I am Kees Varekamp. I am married to Ilse Geerling, daughter of your uncle Leo, brother to Hetty. We stayed at aunt Hetties and Oom Eef, with our, then 3 teenage kids, in about 1978. I had the pleasure to meet many of you. Your uncle Eddy and aunt Hetty were at our place in Australia in about 1984.
Checking out your family preculareties list - the thing that stuck mostly into my mind, was the incredable disorganised organisation of aunt Hetty, and her abillity to make sure everyone was organised. Has any one of your family inhertant this?' Wie niet, zou ik bijna zeggen (red.)... Reacties zijn welkom.
'We would love to be kept informed with your Heynekrant. Kind regards and many blessings to you all! Kees and Ilse'
Kees en Ilse: Welcome (back) to our family!
E-mailadres van Kees is bekend bij de redactie.