Familiegeluiden uit Australië

Houten, 30 december 2003 - De redactie ontving onlangs een mailtje van "verre" familie uit Australië. Chris Geerling is op onze stamboom gestuit en herkende ondermeer onze oma Hetty Geerling. Na een antwoord van de redactie vulde zijn vader, Rob Geerling, zijn bijdrage aan via het prikbord op deze site. 

Het eerste bericht van Chris:

Dear Heynekamp Family,

My name is Christiaan Eric Geerling (born 25 March 1973). I live in Australia (I am sorry I can not write to you in Dutch).

I found your website and see that you are related to Hetty Geerling. I believe Hetty Geerling was my father's Aunt. My father's name is Robert Eduard Leonard Geerling. He was born 17 Nov 1934 (Eindhoven - I think), Netherlands and came to Australia 1956. His father's name was Christiaan Leonard Geerling (deceased 1973 in Australia). I believe Hetty Geerling was my Opa's sister.

I write to you because I can see that some details on your website for Hetty Geerling are missing. My father knows a lot about his father's side of the Geerling family. And my Oma (Gesina Geerling [maiden name: van London]) is fortunately still with us in Australia (at 94 years) and may also remember a lot about Hetty and her family.

Contact me (in English please) if you would like some more details on Hetty Geerling and the Geerlings in Australia.

Yours sincerely,

Christiaan Eric Geerling
e-mail: chris.e.g@bigpond.com 


Chris: "I have sent a picture of myself because (I am told) the Geerling family appearance runs strong in me. You can decide that for yourself."

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